In the wilderness He already prophesyed What He planned to do;
He took bread, blessed it, broke it and Gave it to his disciples to give to the people. And there was enough for the world.
Now, on the night before he was handed over He took bread, blessed it, broke it and Gave it to his disciples.
This broken bread is his body, Soon to be broken on the cross for the life of the world.
The chalice of wine is his blood, Soon to be poured out To seal a new and eternal covenant. The very law of God Now written on our hearts
We are bound to him in his Holy Spirit So that each time we eat this bread And drink this cup
We proclaim the death of the Lord, His transforming act of love, Until he comes.
Jesus, You found a way to remain with us, to draw us into your love on the cross Which is the light of your glory. Even now, your presence is light, Lord.
Teach us to gaze on you And imitate Mary's gaze, And be changed by what, in faith, we see.
Teach us to die to sin And live to the Father. Let our lives be an evening sacrifice, along with You, That rises like incense to the Father.
Give us this bread Which is filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. We want all people to know your heart and be fed by your love.