Resources for Divine Mercy Sunday-ABC Video Resources for Sunday of Divine Mercy, 2nd Sunday of Easter Cycle A (2017, 2020, 2023) Cycle B (2018, 2021, 2024) Cycle C (2019, 2022, 2025)
Monday, 2nd Week of Easter (Apr 28) Monday, Second Week of Easter ScriptureLengthRecording Date Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8Feast-Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest 8:46 2014-04-28 Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 9:28 2012-04-16 Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 9:39 2011-05-02 Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 11:53 2010-04-12 Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 12:09 2009-04-20
Tuesday, 2nd Week of Easter (Apr 29) Tuesday, Second Week of Easter ScriptureLengthRecording Date Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15Feast-Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 1:39 2014-04-29 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 9:13 2013-04-09 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 11:13 2012-04-17 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 12:08 2010-04-13 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 8:21 2009-04-21 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 31:7-15 10:17 2008-04-01
Wednesday, 2nd Week of Easter (Apr 30) Wednesday, Second Week of Easter ScriptureLengthRecording Date Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21Feast-Saint Pius V, Pope 9:30 2014-04-30 Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 10:40 2012-04-18 Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 8:04 2011-05-04 Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 12:09 2010-04-14 Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 9:26 2009-04-22
Thursday, 2nd Week of Easter (May 1) Thursday, Second Week of Easter ScriptureLengthRecording Date Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36Feast-Saint Joseph the Worker 10:12 2014-05-01 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 8:18 2013-04-11 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 8:54 2012-04-19 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 10:40 2011-05-05 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 12:25 2010-04-15 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 12:16 2009-04-23
Saint Joseph the Worker (Audio) Memorial, Saint Joseph the Worker ScriptureLengthRecording Date Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Mt 13:54-58 11:57 2013-05-01 Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Mt 13:54-58 9:59 2012-05-01
Friday, 2nd Week of Easter (May 2) Friday, Second Week of Easter ScriptureLengthRecording Date Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15Feast-Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1:49 2014-05-02 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 9:28 2013-04-12 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 15:30 2012-04-20 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 8:30 2011-05-06 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 10:34 2010-04-16 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 9:29 2009-04-24