Find scriptural commentaries by Fr. Francis Martin for the readings of the liturgical year. The commentaries cover Sundays and weekdays and are grouped by season of the church year.

There may be some gaps where certain weeks or days either did not present themselves at the time of the recording or when Fr. Francis Martin was not available. If you come across a gap and would like to see that gap filled by a student of Fr. Francis Martin, please let us know (click here).

The liturgical readings are divided into three cycles (A, B, C) for sunday scriptures, and two sets of readings for weekdays (Year I, Year II). Special scriptures are set aside for feast days and memorials. Use the current year to determine which cycle or year to reference (except when in advent and christmas until Jan 1, use the coming year).

  • Sunday Cycles - divide the year by 3 and check the remainder (or you can extrapolate from the following dates)
    • Remainder = 1 - ref. Cycle A (example: 2023 div 3 = 674[.3], remainder of 1 or decimal .3)
    • Remainder = 2 - ref. Cycle B (example: 2024 div 3 = 674[.6], remainder of 2 or decimal .6)
    • Remainder = 0 - ref. Cycle C (example: 2023 div 3 = 675, no remainder)
  • Weekday Lectionary Year
    • Odd years - ref. Weekday Year I
    • Even years - ref. Weekday Year II

The "Liturgical Year" begins on the First Sunday of Advent, between November 27th and December 3rd.

Ordinary Time before Lent

scriptural commentary for catholic mass readings

Find scriptural commentary for the Sunday and weekday readings of the year.

What year are we in? (click for info)
2025 is Sunday Cycle C and Weekday Year I


Common Feasts during this season of the liturgical year

First Week in Ordinary Time

Second Week in Ordinary Time

Third Week in Ordinary Time

Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Lent through Triduum

scriptural commentary for catholic mass readings

Find scriptural commentary for the Sunday and weekday readings of the year.

What year are we in? (click for info)
2025 is Sunday Cycle C and Weekday Year I


Common Feasts during this season of the liturgical year

Ash Wednesday to First Sunday of Lent

First Week of Lent

Second Week of Lent

Third Week of Lent

Fourth Week of Lent

Fifth Week of Lent

Sixth Week of Lent
