The Baptism of the Lord (Video)

Join Fr. Francis Martin as he reflects on the Word of God proclaimed to us on this feast day! Offer feedback...

Video reflections for the Readings of Cycles B and C are not available. While the scriptures might vary from year to year, they may share themes. Thus the Video reflections for Cycle A is accessible from the calendar tool for Cycles B and C.

The Baptism of the Lord
(Recorded during Cycle A)


First Reading
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7

Psalm 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10

Second Reading
Acts 10:34-38

Matthew 3:13-17

Targeted reflections are not available for the Gospel preached in Cycles B or C nor alternate readings for this feast. However, some content may be gleaned from the following homilies and reflections:

Dates with gray background have content.  Hover over date and then click on title.