Sat (Nov-30) - Advent, Week 1
If you missed Fr. Francis Martin's three-part series on the Liturgy and its Role in Our Lives, find them right here, to watch at your convenience!
Talk 1: Old Testament background of the Liturgy and its fulfillment in the Church’s Eucharistic celebration. (presented September 13, 2011 at Mother of God Community, Gaithersburg, MD)
Talk 1: Additional Video Segments...
Talk 2: The new translations themselves, the reason for them, their strengths and possible weaknesses, and the nature of translation itself. (presented October 18, 2011 at Mother of God Community, Gaithersburg, MD)
Talk 2: Additional Video Segments...
Talk 3: The role of the Word of God in the Eucharistic Liturgy. (presented November 15, 2011 at Mother of God Community, Gaithersburg, MD)
Talk 3: Additional Video Segments...