Sat (Nov-30) - Advent, Week 1

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The Third Luminous Mystery

by Fr. Francis Martin

A people walking in darkness
have seen a great light.

Every word He spoke from the mouth of God
Was bread for hungry spirits;
Every healing touch was freedom
For those who were touched
And for all who watched!

Now the kingdom has begun
And the poor hear the good news.
Jesus brought the message of fulfillment
To the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

All the nations began to share in the blessing.
The pagan centurion's servant was healed from afar
And the cananite woman's daughter
was freed from an unclean spirit.

Of course they followed him!
No man ever spoke as he did;
The Father wants mercy, not sacrifice,
And he offers mercy to all.

He will judge and forgive us
As we judge and forgive each other.

From the firey center of the kingdom
The heart of Christ goes forth,
The cross is power.

In that love our hearts are healed!

We can bear the light
Who makes our lives together
A promise of that time
When there will be no mourning
Or tears or pain.

Even now our light must shine before the world

To give it hope of what can be already
And of what is yet to be.

Father, sancticfy your name among us;
May your kingdom come.