There was a man sent from God whose name was John.
He came to witness to the Light.
He was sent to prepare God’s people for the coming of the true Light who had already been present to his people. He had been shining in the saving events and the great ones of Israel.
Now John was calling all Israel to accept its vocation to serve the Light of the world, to turn from sin and embrace in its heart the will of God.
Jesus came to be baptized, to express his acceptance to be Israel, and so to manifest that Light that was the depth of his being.
He told John that they must do this in order to fulfill all justice.
This means that Jesus embraced the Father’s plan.
He accepted his vocation to be that Servant who would take upon himself the sins of the many and reconcile us to God.
He went into the water.
As he ascended, the Holy Spirit rested on him. The Spirit was to guide him in his vocation to the Cross.
The Father declared that this Israelite was in fact his Only Begotten and Beloved Son, the Servant in whom he found delight.
Blessed is he who has come in the name of the Lord! Blessed be our own baptism that has plunged us into the death and resurrection of the Savior, and given us eternal life!